
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Guidelines for Cats

What more needs to be said! I am not really a cat person, but this funny.

Guidelines for Cats

Friday, November 14, 2008

100 Skills Every Man Should Know

100 Skills Every Man Should Know: 2008's Ultimate DIY List

This list was put together by the intelligent guys at Popular Mechanics. I say that tongue in cheek because if someone knew how to do all this I am pretty sure they would be a robot!

Few of my favorites:
6. Conquer an off-road obstacle
11. Reverse hypothermia
15. Use a sewing machine
18. Remove bloodstains from fabric
29. Use a French knife (I don't even know what a French knife is?!)
34. Fell a tree
39. Change a diaper

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Underworld Trailer

I love the movie Underworld and it is one of those movies that I can watch at almost anytime, but I am not sure about the new one. It is set during the time when Lycans were the slaves for the vampires so alot of the characters from the 1st movie are around. Kate Beckinsdale is not in the new movie which doesn't really bother me, but the new girl is the one marries Lucian (Lycan leader). In the first Underworld movie Lucian's memories are transferred to Selene and it is revealed that her death is the reason for all the fighting now. So that kinda already gives away the ending on the newest movie which sucks. Although the new movie does look interesting on its own. Check out the trailer for the movie.

Trailer for Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Another blog I follow, Dark Style, posted today that The Waverly Hills Sanatorium is slated to turned into a hotel. The sanatorium is supposedly haunted and you can actually pay to go spend the night there! How cool is that! I learned about the sanatorium during Belinda and I's foray into ghost hunting. While we did not actually go ghost hunting we did attend the ghost hunting conference in Texas last year. We are both pretty skeptical so it was not surprising we only made it half a day before sneeking out to go explore the town and local cemeteries. Anyway, a group that presented showed video of the sanatorium from when they had spent the night there a couple months before. At the time for $1000 you could spend the night. Which to my way of thinking getting 10 people to kick in $100 and spending the night there is totally worth it. Unfortunately, I also know most of my friends are wusses and are totally not up for that. Now however you can make reservations to stay the night there and it is $100 bucks a person! So if anyone is up to visiting March 2009 let me know so we can plan a trip!