
Friday, July 24, 2009

Zoo Paints Donkey to Look Like Zebra

If you think this is a joke than you are mistaken. MSN ran a story today on a zoo in Gaza that painted a donkey to look like a zebra. In an effort to do this humanely they used human hair dye to make the black stripes. If you continue through the story the animals in the area seem to have very bad luck. Makes zoos in other part of the world look vacation destinations for animals.

Donkey Business: The Only Zebra is Gaza

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Yeah for Rain!

These pictures are actually from a couple of weeks ago when it rained. Jessie and I went to Anderson Pond to get some pictures of the sunset with the mist. I have been switching computers and buying cameras so it took me awhile to download them!

Global Warming Mug

I was checking out the Scientific American slide show on Buying Green: 9 Eco-Conscious Accessories and came across the Global Warming Mug! When you put a hot liquid in the mug the oceans spread across the land as the ice caps melt and water levels rise. That is awesome!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Shadow Art

I saw this mentioned on Neotrama and thought it was pretty cool and I should share it with the world! The piles of trash shadows look like people or animals. At first I though it was a trick then I tried picking out the piece of trash that was making a certain area of the shadow and it matched up!

Shadow Art

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The 10 Most Annoying Text Habits Ever

I think this list is missing the number one most annoying habit...Forwards/chain text! I hate those messages and have banned people from sending them to me. The ban apparently only works for some people and eventually those people will get drunk or get one that is just so funny they have to send it to me. It's not that funny and a waste of my time.

The 10 Most Annoying Text Habits Ever

Showing Some Love for LA Houses

One of the participants in my limewash workshop a couple of weeks ago in NOLA had this interesting tattoo on his forearm. From a distance I thought it was piano keys, but after a closer look I could tell that what I thought was keys were the piers for a shotgun house!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Martians Welcome

I had forgotten about this photo that I took with my cellphone in Flagstaff at the hotel we stayed at the first night. Our trip to the Grand Canyon was a long (very, very long) and somewhat strange trip. We only made it as far as Flagstaff the first night before stopping at a motel for some much needed rest. I caught a glimpse of the sign as we were leaving the next morning. I kinda forgot about it by the time we got back to Louisiana, but when I found it the other day it brought a smile to my face.