The 10 Coolest Superhero Cakes!
The bullet holes on the Punisher cake are awesome and it is possibly my favorite cake. That could be because I love the movie! Both Optimus Prime and Marvel in the City are my next favorites. 10 Reasons it Would Rule to Date a Unicorn
This a a weird list, but still entertaining.
Candy Holidays
Need I say more and don't get me started on how the fudge store in Natchitoches was closed on National Fudge Day last year!
Texas BBQ Trail
While I think this is a good effort it is missing my favorite BBQ place in the world. Marshall's BBQ located in Bryan, Texas. Marshalls has been in the same family for generations and makes the best ribs and potatoes salad in the world. I have never eaten anything there that was less than wonderful!
Fast and the Furious 4 Trailer
I love Vin Diesel! This could be a completely horrible movie (I am crossing my fingers that it is not) and I would still go see it.