
Thursday, February 18, 2010

243 Guns Lost...

by officers with Homeland Security! Wow is all I can really say. 179 were lost "because officers did not properly secure them," according to the report. I sure you are asking what not properly securing them means. Well it means they were left in bathrooms and gone when the officer can back looking for them or the from seat of unlocked vehicles in a lunchbox and gone when the officer came back two days later. All I can say is wow!

Report: Officers lose 243 Homeland Security guns

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Politifact reviews statements made by politicians to see if they are true or not! It does take into account varying degrees of truthfulness which is helpful and some of the statements they pick are interesting.

Barely True
"We're also cutting a Forest Service economic development program that strayed so far from any mission that it funded a music festival."-Barak Obama

"Thomas Jefferson created the Marines for the Islamic pirates that were happening."-Glenn Beck

Found this fun website through Federal Daily newsletter which had a brief "Feds Make Twice As Much? Really?" in response to Senator Scott Brown's statement that federal employees make twice as much as private sector. The Truth-O-Meter finds this False!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Plugged in Online

Apparently there was some controversy about the Tebow commercial during the Super Bowl last night (Yeah Saints!). I didn't hear about it until this morning and didn't really get why from the commercial so I had to go look up the Focus on the Family website mentioned at the end of the commercial. I don't really get worked up about messages like this because I think when you look at the source take things with a grain of salt. I couldn't resist clicking on the website mentioned at the bottom of the page though. There was a link to Plugged in Online that reviews entertainment. The reviews are pretty harsh at times which make them amusing to me.

Review comments from Legion:
" It is so bad that it could kill monkeys."
" It is so bad it should come with a surgeon general's warning—and a government tax for causing cancer."
"Legion is nothing more than the reckless musings of someone who knows about as much about the Bible as I know about macroeconomics."

Dude this review makes me want to see the movie even more!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mental Floss Rocks

There Lunch Time Quizzes are usually interesting and today's quiz was about The National Parks. I managed to score 8 out 10! Woohoo! I don't always score that good and after this post I am going to go try the Catholic Saint or New Orleans Saint? which I am probably not going to do good on!