
Friday, December 21, 2012

Big Maple Syrup Heist

In $18 Million Theft, Victim Was a Canadian Maple Syrup Cartel

This may be the strangest story of the year! Thieves stole $18 million worth of maple syrup from the  Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers warehouses. Yes there is a Federation for Maple Syrup Producers! I just learned more about maple syrup reserves than I ever needed to know, but it was still a funny story.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Romney Face Tattoo Regrets

I heart Anderson Cooper and this guy is a little kookie. What is strange is that no one mentions the PINK SCRUNCHIE he uses to hold his hair back! WTH! It also is apparently the only one he has because he seems to be using it at different times. Romney Face Tattoo Guy you crack me up!

Could it be...Atlantis?

Scientists undiscover an island.

"(CNN) -- An international scientific expedition has revealed a South Pacific island roughly the size of Manhattan and clearly marked on online maps and marine charts does not, in fact, exist."

Thursday, November 29, 2012

What is That Strange Smell in My Fridge?

I was having a discussion at lunch today with a friend about how long lunch meat is good in the fridge. He though a month and I was like 5 days max. Turns out I was right and it is surprising he hasn't died of some strange food borne illness yet! This handy little image above shares information I think everyone should know. Like I didn't know Mayo was only good for 2 months in the fridge and Bacon was only good for 1 month in the freezer!

Friday, October 26, 2012

I heart Anderson Cooper!

Girls striking back with a tap from a pussy willow branch is apparently what knocked him over the edge! I have no idea why he would find that so funny?!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Don't Follow the Leaders

Sometimes I am a little behind on things. Today I joined Tumblr after looking at the Dog Shaming posts on B's phone over the weekend and discovered a whole new world! They have a whole section on Typography which is Freaking Awesome! Makes me want to learn how to hand letter some of these awesome types. Below is a video on hand lettering the lyrics to a Bob Dylan song. It is also awesome! Don't ask me why I keep saying awesome like it is 1986.

Bob Dylan Subterranean Homesick Blues - A HAND LETTERING EXPERIENCE from Leandro Senna on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Strange, Strange World: Romney Video

I saw this video at the end of an article on the Colorlines website about the Romney's housekeepers. She is seen in the video for about 2 seconds and the article is about why she is not introduced. Apparently, there has been some articles about what they pay there housekeepers in the past. I don't really follow politics so have no idea this was going on. She is in the video for like 2 seconds. If it was me I would probably rather not be mentioned in their strange "humanizing" video. The video just jumps from one topic to another, most of the times not explaining the background of different events. The first part of the video jumps from fireworks and interviews with Olympic athletes to the September 11 to the Salt Lake City Olympics. It made vague references to his involvement with the Olympics which I didn't know anything about and truthfully was to disinterested to look into it more. A friend explained his involvement when I mentioned the strange video to her and it even interested me even less. The video spends 10 minutes jumping from one thing to another trying to highlight how he is going to save America I guess. It just seemed to me like Mitt Romney propaganda. It is 10 minutes of my life I will never get back.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Annoying the Neighbors

I love how she reads the letter! She seems to take notes from strange people as well as I do.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Loose Interpretation of Gang Members

The A.V. Club has an article Strange Times at the 2012 Gathering of the Juggalos by Nathan Rabin that was posted yesterday. I have heard of Insane Clown Posse and have heard of The Gathering which is their annual festival, but I can't say I have ever listened to any of there music.  The most interesting part of the article for me was when they mentioned that several states and some law enforcement agencies are loosely considering Juggalos (ICP fans) a gang! I then felt the need to watch the video that was shown in the article which was a few years old and talked about some of the violent crimes that fans had committed. Because some of the weapons were similar to what was mentioned in the songs now law enforcement officials think the band's music is reponsible. The interview is pretty funny because one of the band members totally calls the interviewer out for sounding all "smart as a ..."! These guys don't sound stupid and obviously they are smart enough to continue making money after decades. The band members point out the ridiculousness of saying these crimes were committed because of there music.  The interview almost sounds like at one point that he is saying that fans are just trying to commit the same crimes as the band members. I do not really keep up with this band but I think I would have heard if they had killed people with hatchets! To imply that fans of there music are gang members because some have committed crimes would be like saying all Christians are gang members because a few have blown up abortion clinics or committed horrible crimes!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Let's Go!

 Narwhals ARE the Unicorns of the ocean! Apparently Greenpeace and Yes Man created a website called ArcticReady that features images from the Arctic with captions relating to the proposed drilling. I don't know if it is real or imagined that Shell has taken offense to this.  The first time I heard about it was because Shell supposedly called it a "scam". I am not a lawyer so I don't know what is legal and what is not. I would imagine that using their logo and their name on the site and images is probably not the most legal! In my opinion they probably could have made some type of parody of the logo and name and still have gotten their point across and maybe have covered their behinds a little bit! Shell is saying they are worried that "people are being deceived".  Who and how are they being deceived? Is the deceit that arctic drilling is bad or that people may think this page was made by them? Who would really thinks that Shell made this page?! Are they being vague because they think drilling in the arctic is really not that bad?!

Below are some of my favorite images-

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Call Me Maybe

Best One Ever! Would you expect anything else from Jimmy Fallon!

Friday, June 1, 2012

James Franco's article on Girls

James Franco recently wrote an article about his thoughts on the HBO show Girls. I haven't seen the show and I may or may not watch it one day, but I like James Franco sometimes! Apparently there is some controversy about the all white cast on the show. Which I kinda think is bs as there are shows with all black or predominately black casts. I am white and I watch them and don't get all pissy that there are no white people on the shows or movies (I heart Tyler Perry movies!). The controversy is completely off topic for this post, but that is what led me to the James Franco article. My favorite line from the article

 "I watched Steel Magnolias incessantly when I was in junior high school, and I can get off on female bonding." 

Really James Franco you watched Steel Magnolias incessantly?! What? James Franco can be funny, but this kinda comes from left field. If this is true than you I guess you really did fit your first role in Freaks and Geeks!  All I can say is I live outside of Natchitoches, La. the town the movie was based on and where it is filmed. Give me a heads up the next time you are in the area and I will give you a personal tour!

James Franco: A Dude's Take on Girls

Thursday, April 26, 2012

An Illustrated Guide to the Perfect Driveway Car Wash

This illustrated guide is brought to you courtesy of The Art of Manliness! Unfortunately, I now have the song "Carwash" running through my head which is probably not very manly. Which is ok because I am a girl. 

Artist Rose Royce

(Workin' at the) car wash.

Workin' at the car wash yeah !
Come on and sing it with me car wash.
Get with the feelin' y'all car wash yeah.  

We are talking to you shirtless Mathew McConaughey!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sweet Ride

John and Robin Gray use the Airstream kinda as a traveling store to sell their wares when they go to the Marburger Farm Antique Show.  This is probably not the best description so I would suggest you check out their website which has an article about them from Romantic Homes. The inside of the Airstream Trailer is a little over the top which is probably what makes it soooo romatice! The car though is kick ass.

Friday, February 10, 2012

World Press Photo Contest

Behind the World Press Photo contest

 " Brent Stirton, South Africa, Reportage by Getty Images for National Geographic magazine 

1st prize Nature Stories

A female rhinoceros that survived poachers’ de-horning her with a chainsaw interacts with another rhino."


Preservationist Ryan Gosling

Freaking Hilarious!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Groomsmen Wedding Dance

There are alot of choreographed wedding dances out there, but I LOVE this one because of their AWESOME dance moves. Who knows though I haven't seen Justin Bieber's "Baby" video so this could be the actual dance moves!

<a href=';vid=8fa8109e-8c67-4c9a-8d0b-aa9a8b1df31c&amp;from=en-us_msnhp&amp;src=v5:embed::' target='_new' title='Justin Bieber Wedding Dance' >Video: Justin Bieber Wedding Dance</a>

Monday, January 23, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Loving CNN Photo!

I don't know what it is, but I am loving CNN Photo right now. Seems the format may be following the iReport format with independent photographers posting stories.  Not super clear on this, but it is my best guess.

A Year with Russia's reindeer herders
Photographer Evgenia Arbugaeva

Photographer Zoe Zimmer

There are other interesting articles, but it would take me all day to list them so just go check it out for yourself!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Chilling at another Christmas Parade!

Zombie Boy

<a href=';vid=7b8ce5da-8bff-4f39-9b7b-59af05980fd3&amp;from=en-us_msnhp&amp;src=v5:embed::' target='_new' title='Don&#39;t Judge a Book By Its Cover' >Video: Don&#39;t Judge a Book By Its Cover</a>

This is a commercial for a really good tattoo cover apparently!