
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Pick up a Dumbbell, Pop Out a Baby

Chile weightlifter has unexpected baby during training

"Chilean Olympic weightlifter Elizabeth Poblete has given birth to a baby boy during a training session, without having known she was pregnant."

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Polar Bear Song

This may be the cutest global warming song ever! It gets a little sad towards the end, but I now heart Bjorn. Rock on Tom Rugg!

Saw it on Neotrama

Work Sets You Free

I hope they catch whoever did this. This is probably one of the most well know symbols of the Holocaust. It is crazy to think that someone would be able to steal this!

Monday, December 14, 2009


Who considers a premature baby an "early Christmas present"? CNN thats who!

Selling the Captives?

From far away I wasn't sure what this church van was talking about. I am not the most religious person, but I have been to church a few times and I wondered what it meant. Wasn't until I got closer that I could see that it said "Setting the Captives Free!"

Monday, December 7, 2009

Somewhere between Jennings and Jones

Jamey Johnson and Shooter Jennings sings Somewhere between Jennings and Jones on CMT Crossroads. I have seen Shooter in concert and he was great and I am anxiously waiting for Jamey Johnson to play anywhere within a couple hours of here!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Science Tattoos

I really like tattoos so I am always drawn in to pictures of them. They be cringe worthy and make me wonder why on earth someone would get that permanently inked on their body or beautiful, artistic examples of self expression. Science Tattoo Emporium Blog has pictures of tattoos that are all connected in someway to science. I don't know what some of them are (ok alot of them), but they are pretty cool.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

1 in 4 mortgages 'underwater'

Research released in September says that 10.7 million homes are "underwater" meaning that what is owed is more than the house is worth. Another 2.3 million homes are within 5% of being underwater. That is 28% of all residential housing according to the article in CNN Money. WTF? I don't know who is more to blame the bank industry for making these loans or the people who signed on the dotted line. If they didn't understand what they were getting into they shouldn't have signed the papers! If the government is going to take care of all their problems then I think they should do the same for student loans!

Monday, November 23, 2009


"Writer Evan Tried to Vanish: Here's What Happened"

This writer for Wired apparently wrote an article on a man who vanished and then decided to try and do it himself. He had two months to plan this out before disappearing and probably would have succeeded if he wasn't following some of the groups on Facebook trying to track him down! Apparently he couldn't handle being on his own for that long and started slipping. Hopefully he never witnesses a crime and they put him in witness protection because he will not last!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sagada's Hanging Cemetery

I can't really tell you how I ended up at Atlas Obscura, but it is an interesting site. One place I had never heard of was Sagada, Philippines Hanging Cemetery. It is apparently tradition for the residents to hand carve coffins and hang them on the side of a cave either inside or outside.

Monday, October 26, 2009

100 Strangers

100 Strangers Project

Hmm, I am thinking of trying this project. The goal is take a hundred photos of people you don't know. Maybe this would be easier than Belinda's 365 Project!

Ireland's Last Matchmaker

Ireland's Last Matchmaker

Friday, October 23, 2009

Penguin Feeding

I am going to be in NOLA next weekend for work and am going to stay a few extra days to hang out with friends. I was checking out family friendly events for Halloween because Leigh will be with me and the New Orleans Online mentioned "Boo at the Zoo". I went to the Audubon Zoo website to get some information. Unfortunately it is the weekend before so we are going to miss it. However, while I was checking out some info on the zoo something on the right hand side caught my eye.

I want to know exactly what is going on with this penguin feeding? Are they feeding the penguins to the sharks? Because that is kinda what is implied by the image beside it!

Ghost-hunting Advice from the Pros

What makes someone a ghost hunting pro? Is it being able to describe ghost hunting and the instruments without laughing?! I can't really read the CNN article without laughing and from past experience at the ghost hunting convention in Jefferson, TX a couple years ago I can't listen to someone describing their "ghostly" experiences without laughing!

Ghost-hunting Advice from the Pros

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

The sequel to Boondock Saints is coming out in theaters at the end of the month!!! Living in Boondock, Louisiana doesn't look like we will get the movie at any of the surrounding theaters, but who knows maybe the RFC will pick it up in Shreveport. There have been rumors about a sequel for years and they are finally true!

EW article


Thursday, October 15, 2009

I Heart Trivia...

and love to play Scene It! The game now has online quizzes so if you need to get a fix go check it out.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Post Secret

For those that can't get enough of the Post Secret blog that only does Sunday updates there is also

Post Secret Archive


Post Secret Rejects

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

National Geographic Traveler Drives of Lifetime

While I was waiting for some pictures to download I came across this list and "Creole Country" was on the list and it was referring to this area. I was not to surprised and I think it was great that we made the list. I was however very disappointed that the images they used were not from this area! If I am wrong and you can tell me where they came from let me know!

Drives of A Lifetime
Creole Country, Louisiana

20 Weirdest TV Interviews

I didn't really have time to watch many clips on Nerve's list of The Twenty Weirdest TV Interviews of All Time, but Richard Simmons' Exploding Steamer was one I could not pass up. Richard is a true salesman and I was not disappointed!

Found the list through the Pop Candy Blog

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Collegiate Snuggie

This is crazy! These Snuggies are taking over the world! You can now get Snuggies of your favorite college teams. For some reason I think these things are going to sell quickly and that is scary. If I actually went to football games (haven't been one to in years) I would be scared to see these.

Collegiate Snuggies

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Skeptical Hippo

I heart Hippos!

Skeptical Hippo from Holy Taco

Sex on Date Flowchart

from Holytaco


This blanket with sleeves is so ridiculous that it is hard to believe it is real. Every time I see it I feel like a SNL skit is playing during commercials. And since they weren't ridiculous enough to begin with they now have Snuggies for dogs! WTF! Dogs have fur coats why would they need a blanket with arms or would it be legs for dogs? And does it have four sleeves since dogs have four legs? Ok, I just looked for a the commercial on youtube and found a commercial of the product for dogs. It only has two sleeves I discovered. I wish I could find the new commercial with the dog sitting up with a snuggie on reading a book! Here is the video though of the Snuggies for Dogs.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Zoo Paints Donkey to Look Like Zebra

If you think this is a joke than you are mistaken. MSN ran a story today on a zoo in Gaza that painted a donkey to look like a zebra. In an effort to do this humanely they used human hair dye to make the black stripes. If you continue through the story the animals in the area seem to have very bad luck. Makes zoos in other part of the world look vacation destinations for animals.

Donkey Business: The Only Zebra is Gaza

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Yeah for Rain!

These pictures are actually from a couple of weeks ago when it rained. Jessie and I went to Anderson Pond to get some pictures of the sunset with the mist. I have been switching computers and buying cameras so it took me awhile to download them!

Global Warming Mug

I was checking out the Scientific American slide show on Buying Green: 9 Eco-Conscious Accessories and came across the Global Warming Mug! When you put a hot liquid in the mug the oceans spread across the land as the ice caps melt and water levels rise. That is awesome!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Shadow Art

I saw this mentioned on Neotrama and thought it was pretty cool and I should share it with the world! The piles of trash shadows look like people or animals. At first I though it was a trick then I tried picking out the piece of trash that was making a certain area of the shadow and it matched up!

Shadow Art

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The 10 Most Annoying Text Habits Ever

I think this list is missing the number one most annoying habit...Forwards/chain text! I hate those messages and have banned people from sending them to me. The ban apparently only works for some people and eventually those people will get drunk or get one that is just so funny they have to send it to me. It's not that funny and a waste of my time.

The 10 Most Annoying Text Habits Ever

Showing Some Love for LA Houses

One of the participants in my limewash workshop a couple of weeks ago in NOLA had this interesting tattoo on his forearm. From a distance I thought it was piano keys, but after a closer look I could tell that what I thought was keys were the piers for a shotgun house!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Martians Welcome

I had forgotten about this photo that I took with my cellphone in Flagstaff at the hotel we stayed at the first night. Our trip to the Grand Canyon was a long (very, very long) and somewhat strange trip. We only made it as far as Flagstaff the first night before stopping at a motel for some much needed rest. I caught a glimpse of the sign as we were leaving the next morning. I kinda forgot about it by the time we got back to Louisiana, but when I found it the other day it brought a smile to my face.

Friday, June 26, 2009

In Memory of MJ

I was a little surprised by the texts and my friends updates yesterday about Micheal Jackson's death. I guess after he started acting kooky I kinda forgot about him. I do have a lot of memories about his music when I was growing up, but not really anything earth shattering. My brother taped the like 30 minute video of Thriller and I used to watch that all the time. The following video is one of my favorite songs from MJ. I love how the cop tries to hold it together, but then can't stop himself from dancing!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Baby Sea Lion

Zoey Delivers Pup

"It's the first sea lion birth in the zoo's 111-year history."

Cutest Thing Ever!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

School's Out For Summer...Oops, Sorry You have To Go Back

Students in Chino, California are going to have to return to school until July 31st because the school district did not meet the minimum amount of minutes on a minimum amount of days! Not one or two days, but 34 days! Way to be a downer California and school district. Boo!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Debris and Oil not from missing Air France Plane

I still do not understand how an airplane can just disappear! The debris thought to be from the airplane has been determined to be from something else. The oil slick thought to be from the plane was more than would have been. I want to know what is dumping that much oil in the ocean? I am still going with the theory that the plane has been lost in the bermuda triangle and is on an island with polar bears. KA says they are probably with Amelia Earhart!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Exactly How Does a Plane Dissappear?

I have been amazed at the lack inability to locate the downed jet with 228 passengers on board?! The news says it "probably" crashed into the Atlantic, but they don't really know for sure. Don't these major jets have flight plans and things like that? Blackboxes? Pretty much anything to keep them from falling off the face of the earth?! If they find the plane on an island with polar bears I will not be surprised!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Amazon Deforestation

Using satellite images from space you can follow the deforestation in one area in Brazil.

Amazon Deforestation


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cutest Picture of the Week

"Free Ride
Although this baby giant anteater named Cyrano is growing at the rate of a pound a week, he is still nursing and riding on his mother's back as she moves around her yard in the Smithsonian National Zoo.

Glowing Animals

National Geographic has a slide show of glowing animals. I don't really think all the pictures are of animals seeing as one of the pictures is of a tobacco plant. So, unless I am mistaken that is not an animal. The animals that glow in the dark and are naturally occuring are pretty interesting. All the science experiments where they injected some type of virus into the DNA to study brain activity or something kinda freaked me out. If you read the text it is like a virus was injected blah, blah, blah and the cool part is that the florescence is a different color! I think these scientist have to much time on their hands.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

It is a little late, but I wanted to share pictures of my b-day cake from work. I heart ice cream cakes and Kevin was nice enough to order one from the newly opened Dairy Queen (it is still new to me because it was the first thing I had from there even though it opened a couple of months ago)! I think Kevin just agreed to the ice cream cake because they would put a pregnant lady on the top of it. Unfortunately, they had some trouble getting the graphic off the backing so we got to admire it for a minute before removing it to cut the cake!

For All Those in Need of a Lil' Extra Moola

10 Creative Ways to Earn Extra Money

CNN has a article on earning extra money for all those suffering from the struggling economy. I don't know that it is that creative, but it does have some good suggestions.

Friday, May 1, 2009

America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places

The National Trust for Historic Preservation puts out this list every year. I don't think it is coincidence that it is done during National Preservation Month. Going back to the list it is put together to raise awareness of threatened sites or buildings in hopes of saving them. The Cast-Iron Architecture of Galveston, Texas made the list this year. Hurricane Ike which hit Galveston in 2008 has caused serious problems with the material.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


MSN had a story today on 4 'green' claims to be wary of. Shockingly the first product line on the list was Clorox's Green Works. In Natchitoches there is only a few choices on where to shop and lately actual green products that are made to much higher standards like 7th Generation have been replaced by Green Works! A few stores carry a couple of the products in the 7th Generation line, but not many and not consistently. The article also mentions the website This site has a report that you can download that talks about different aspects of greenwashing. Doesn't really mention any names, but may help you make more informed decisions by telling you what to look for.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Longest Way

Christoph Rehage planned to walk from China to Germany beginning in Beijinng starting in fall 2007. He did not make it Germany, but did manage to cover about 4,000 km (around 2,500 miles). He has a video on youtube that is a timelapse of his travels. It is intersting and has some rockin' music. It was mentioned on Neotrama today and I watched the video which piqued my interest and I followed the link to his website The Longest Way. What I really got into was the archive of his walk from Paris to Bad Nenndorf that he did in 2003 with his dog along for the whole trip and a friend for part. I totally recommend checking this site out!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Steve Harvey Answers

Steve Harvey Answers Relationship Questions
I am not sure what qualifies him to offer relationship advice, but this slideshow from his visit to the Oprah show is pretty funny at times!

Another Duggar!?

Another Duggar on the Way!
I mentioned in September that the oldest son of the Duggar family in Arkansas got married to his home schooled sweetheart. Which the marriage brought the family to 20, but then Michelle Duggar was expecting baby 18 which was born shortly after this. So I think with the baby on the way that brings the count to 21. I don't know if the baby should be included in the count or begin a new count, like 2.1 or something.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Starfish Really Loves You!

Charlie the Unicorn 3
Close to 6 minutes of your life that you will never get back!

Dog Steals Cats Blanket

Cutest Video Ever!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Peep Show

Washington Post has a Peeps Diorama contest every year in which all the characters have to be made out of peeps!
Peep Show II

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Heart Cake Wrecks

I don't know how many people pay attention to the links on my side, but these are places I go at least once a week for some entertainment. Cake Wrecks is AWESOME! I have tried to get her to put up the one I found from my cousin's birthday because it is also awesome. However, I have some showers come up in the next couple weeks and if my cakes look like anything on this site I will cry and beat down whoever is responsible for it.

Did You Know?

Lance shared the link to this video the other day with the office. He said Sony played this at their meeting this year.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Baby Birds

I was talking on my cellphone today on our ramp outside the building and some crazy bird was attacking a squirrel which was pretty funny. I figured there was a nest around and found some with some baby birds behind our parking sign. I ran inside to get a camera, went back out, and was attacked by I am guessing Mama bird. I ducked and felt her claws or something snag my shirt. She was pretty pissed. I made April go out with me and distract the birds so I could get a picture of the babies. It was totally worth it because they are adorable!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Today is All About Bears!

Bear Pole Dancing
I like the warning at the end about this video came from wildlife trigger camera and it is dangerous to get close to wild animals!

Polar Bear Twins
They have apparently been hibernating for the last 3 months and are just now coming outside. I am not sure how I feel about one of the bears being named Walker which is what I was thinking of if this baby turns out to be a boy!

Friday, February 27, 2009

I LOVE Louisiana!

Women answers ad for bird by offering kids as payment
This article was on the today!
"The parties allegedly negotiated a trade involving the two kids, the bird and $175."

You can also find information on Leesville Leader.

Pitkin woman arrested for trading children

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Secret Decoder Card

Esty is described as "your place to buy and sell all things homemade". Which is a pretty accurate description. Right before Valentines Day someone on a blog mentioned the cool Secret Decoder Card from crankbunny. I totally want one of these and one of these days I will get around to ordering one!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hair Weave Stops Bullet

Cops: Hair Weave Stops Bullet

Posted by: Candice Carney
Last Update: 8:53 am
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Police say a woman’s tightly-woven hair weave saved her life.

Officers were called to the Country View Market, near 59th and Swope Parkway, around 11:30 p.m. Wednesday.

Authorities say the woman’s boyfriend fired a shot through the back window of a car there.

Police tell NBC Action News the woman’s hair weave stopped the bullet, and she wasn’t harmed.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is Someone Offended?

I found this journal this morning at work when looking for a something to read. It is not at eye level which is why I think the sticky notes avoided detection up until now for the most part. I discovered the culprit and was informed it was done in jest. It made me laugh so I think it accomplished its plan!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Koala Sam Saved from Australia Wildfire

Happy Early Valentine's Day!

Mowin' Down the Roses

Time Photo Essays

A few of my favorites right now are The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show and The Golden Eagle Hunters of Mongolia. The portraits of the nomads in Mongolia was especially awe inspiring. It makes me want to pack a bag and travel around the world to take photos. Maybe I picked the wrong field!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Cutest Picture of the Day

"Male African lion cubs bare their teeth before vaccinations at the Ramat Gan zoological center near Tel Aviv. "

From National Geographic's Week In Photos.

Geek Grafitti

I do love me some Firfox, but I think my favorite is the iPot.

Geek Grafitti

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Free Rice

Here is a game that helps feed hungry people. For each answer you get right, they donate 10 grains of rice to the UN World Food Program to help end hunger.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Stains the Australian Shepard

This poor dog looks so sad! It is just cruel and unusual punishment to put a plate of cupcakes down on his level then pull them away, but hilariously funny.

Stains on Talk Soup

2009 Super Bowl Ads

I didn't really read the article that went with it I just watched a couple of the ads yesterday while eating my lunch. My favorites were the Bud/Clydesdale ones. Probably just because of the horses. I want a Clydesdale now, but I wonder how much it would be to feed one of those?

2009 Ad Meter

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I heart Vin Diesel and fast cars! I don't think I can properly describe how excited I am about the new Fast and the Furious coming out at the beginning of April. They have a new trailer out for the movie and I was so excited I most hopped up and down in my seat and clapped my hands like a little girl!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Baby Jackson

For those that haven't heard yet I am expecting a baby in August. I had an ultrasound last Friday, but I won't find out the sex of the baby until March! Which seems forever off, but hopefully the time passes quickly.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Must have for any kid

Cryptozoological Figure Set is I think a must for the expected Baby Jackson. I don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl and I won't find out until March for those of you that keep asking! However, I think think everyone should keep this in mind for the baby shower (I worry for my kid growing up).

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Friday, January 9, 2009

Legalize Frostitution

Here is sweet story about the Country's Best Cupcakes. Of course I felt the need to read it since I loovvee all baked goods especially those covered in a sugary substance such as icing. I was glad that at least one of the bakerys I had been to when I lived in Savannah. Sadly I believe I only went there once as there was a bakery close to my house that also had yummy treats. The Legalize Frostitution comes from the Cupcake Royale Bakery in Seattle. They apparently also had a saying Rock Out with Your Cupcake Out! I visited the site hoping they would have t-shirts featuring this, but I was dissapointed that they were no where to be found. They did have the Legalize Frostitution in girls.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

7 Classic Disney Movies That Taught Us Terrible Lessons

This article breaks down the life lessons from several popular Disney movies. It gives the supposed message and the actual message. I grew up with most of these movies and I hope I have not been overly influenced by them!

7 Classic Disney Movies That Taught Us Terrible Lessons